New Campaign demands Good Jobs for Boston Residents and People of Color if Employers receive Public Support and Subsidies--the Chuck Turner/Community Stabilization Jobs Act.
Building on a lifetime of leadership from Chuck Turner and others, we have drafted a new ordinance that demands stable, family sustaining jobs for Boston residents and people of color if those employers get public support or subsidy.
We have also attached the draft language of the ordinance itself.
Want more information? Contact Tarshia Green-Williams, [email protected], Campaign for the Chuck Turner Jobs Act.
- We have taken legal language already in use around the country for new ways of creating economic equity--our proposed language has already had its first legal review!
- Three quarters of Boston's jobs go to people who do not live in Boston. BY the city's own data, residents of color are tracked into lower paid occupations and industries--the structural legacy baked in to our racialized economy.
We have also attached the draft language of the ordinance itself.
Want more information? Contact Tarshia Green-Williams, [email protected], Campaign for the Chuck Turner Jobs Act.